Emergency Preparedness

Considering the potential for floods, fires, earthquakes and power outages, we have a lot to be concerned about in Villa Grande. One way to approach emergency preparedness is to break down the tasks according to a "pyramid" and then work top-down.  It is also a good model for how to behave in an actual emergency.

- you need to be safe before you can help others.

- family members, pets and your living quarters.

- others worse off than you could use your help.


Prepare a "Go Bag".  Here is a checklist to print and use.

Download the app "Watch Duty" to your iPhone or Android to monitor local incidents.

Keep important contact info in your cell phone and on paper. Share your info with this form.

Microchip your pets and keep leashes and carriers handy.

Take CERT classes in first aid, search & rescue, CPR, communications, mental health, etc.


Have enough water stored for 1 week, allowing at least 2 gallons per person per day.

Keep a supply of shelf-stable food in a secure place: peanut butter, rice, beans, camp meals, etc.

Maintain a fire break around structures.

Review emergency procedures with all house occupants.

Perform earthquake review: strap bookcases and water heater, bolt foundations.

What do you need when the power goes out: batteries, radio, generator, lighting, USB, etc.


Outfit an emergency cache with tools and supplies useful in a disaster.

Create a community-wide emergency contact, skills and resource list.

Conduct practice drills using the Incident Command System.

Additional Resources

Web sites with information on power outages, air quality, fire status, flood levels, road closures, notification signups, earthquake faults, and much more can be found by clicking here.

Supporting Emergency Preparedness FoVG dedicates resources to preparing for emergencies. Please click the link below if you would like to help with this effort and email friends@villagrande.org for more information.

Donate to Friends of Villa Grande Emergency Fund